PADS4 Installation Manual



PADS4 Network Port Configuration

This page explains the usage of network ports by PADS4. Be aware that the port numbers mentioned are the default settings. Some ports can be adjusted.


The network communication between the components of the PADS4 system uses TCP/IP. PADS4 now uses one port number to communicate and by default it's 7237.

If you are using a firewall on the PADS4 (Undefined variable: NDSVariables.ProductNameServer) PC this means that one or more of the above port numbers will have to be opened in order for PADS4 to communicate over the network. On the client side (for instance the PADS4 (Undefined variable: NDSVariables.ProductNameViewer) PC) it's not necessary to open any port numbers in the firewall.


PADS4 Server ports used with external connections

Port Protocol Firewall rules Description
7237 TCP Inbound Default port used for PADS4 communication
3702 UDP Inbound Required for PADS4 server search function (discover network functionality)
4525 or 443 HTTP Outbound Online activation (only one port has to be available)
80 and/or 443 HTTP Inbound / Outbound Software updates and replication when using more servers
7 UDP Outbound Wake On LAN function (standard WOL port)
9 UDP Outbound Wake On LAN function (standard WOL port)
123 UDP Inbound / Outbound Required for NTP (Network Time Protocol for Viewer time synchronization)


PADS4 Server local used ports

Be aware that these ports are used locally only!)

Port Protocol Description
15672 HTTP used by RabbitMQ for HTTP API connection
15671 HTTP used by RabbitMQ https for HTTP API over TLS connection
5672   used by RabbitMQ AMQP
5671   used by RabbitMQ AMQP over TLS


PADS4 Viewer ports

Port Protocol Firewall rules Description
7237 TCP Outbound Default port used for PADS4 communication
3702 UDP Outbound Required for PADS4 server search function (discover network functionality)
7 UDP Inbound Wake On LAN function (standard WOL port)
9 UDP Inbound Wake On LAN function (standard WOL port)
123   Inbound / Outbound Required for NTP (Network Time Protocol for Viewer time synchronization)


PADS4 HTML5 Viewer ports

Port 80 and/or 443 (HTTP)


PADS4 version 2021.3 synchronization changes

Check out the Replication with Sub and/or Backup Servers page for more info about synchronization which has changed with version 2021.3.



PADS4 has built-in features to automatically detect a PADS4 Server in your network. However a PADS4 Server can only be automatically detected when the UDP port number 3702 is not blocked by a firewall on the server PC or somewhere else in the network.

With version 2021.3 a new mechanism is introduced which replicates both ways. Changes on the Sub/Backup Server are synchronized with the Main Server and changes from the Main are synchronized with the Sub/Backup Servers.